A real needs-based funding model for public schools
Sufficient funding to ensure:
Support staff for every student with special needs
Onsite wellbeing and enrichment programs available to all students
No more than 16 hours per week of face-to-face teaching time and teacher control of their remaining working hours
Class sizes of 20 and below
End public funding of private schools
No funding tied to standardised test data
Full inclusion and diversity in local public schools
School programs, policies and curriculum that meet the needs of all local students, reflecting the diversity of their abilities and cultural, language, religious and socio-economic backgrounds
End the exclusion of students from attending their local public school
Shut down the My School website, which places schools in competition with each other and promotes selective, discriminatory enrolment practices
Real and meaningful learning
End NAPLAN and stop the rise of standardised data-driven education
Learning experiences that promote critical thinking, creativity, curiosity, empathy, problem-solving, teamwork, and an understanding of the inherent value and interdependence of all life on earth
Teacher control and student participation in designing educational programs, including learning goals and assessment
Justice, dignity and respect for staff and students in schools
Protections for students against harshly punitive and racially discriminatory school disciplinary regimes (especially the use of suspensions and expulsions)
Protections for teachers and other education workers against unfair and insecure working conditions